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Welcome to the AgRite demo tour, Enjoy your Visit.



Thanks for taking our demo tour. Press the GET STARTED button to begin. Log-in and password information below:


Log-in: Demo

Password: Demo


You might be asked to add active X to view the system when you first log in. You will need to say OK.

( Only works Internet Explorer)


Still having trouble? Try adding us ( to your compatibilty mode in internet tools.


Once you log-in, please feel free to navigate the system. On the left side of the OVERVIEW screen you will see the four sensors used in this operation. This is a live working field, but don't worry as you are a guest and do not have control over the system. You may notice that some of the equipment is running or that some valves are open. If you click the TRENDS button, you can pick the probes or any other items located on the pop-up menu.  Push the CONTROL button and enter this page. This will give the operator control of the type of irrigation and fertilization modes, as well as the zone controls. Also, check the event page and look at past irrigation events. If you like to visit a working field click our Contact tab  to arrange a tour.




The AgRite Team

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